Monday, August 27, 2007

Time flies...6 more days only

Next Monday (3rd Sept) I'll be returning to work, so fast the 60 days of maternity leave is finishing soon..... and Kaith is turning 2 months old too :)

Now that I have 2 kids, I can foresee that my life will be much more occupied & tiring when I return to work and I hope I am able to cope with it. No matter how, I will continue to breastfeed Kaith for at least another 6 months.


Anonymous said...

Hi K---whew, times goes so fast---2 months already! It amazes me how quickly they grow. Good luck on your return.

jazzmint said...

tme flies :)

KK and WS said...

it's never easy being a working + breastfeeding mother.The 'sacrifice' we made will pay off.

I only b/fed Ern for 9 months, 6 months exclusive and slowly introduced formula then. I can see the immune system on Ern and I am always gladful I did the right thing

Chinneeq said... fast hor...

chanelwong said...

Hi, have been reading your blog for quite some time...time do flies and do keep on breastfeed your girl..