Sunday, July 13, 2008

Your vote please....

I'm kind of surprise to know that Dillon is one of the 15 finalist in "Stars of Mamypoko Calendar 2009" contest when I was told by my blogger friends on Friday morning.

After seeing all other finalist photo, I know it's not easy for Dillon to win. But again, it all depends on public voting so who knows Dillon might still win at least a consolation prize? hehe

So if you are reading this, would you please spare a vote for Dillon? (muaks muaks)

To submit your vote, just click here and Dillon is in Category 3, Photo no. 13.

The actual photo submitted:

Thanks everyone for voting. :)


Jasmine said...

Congratulations to you too! Hope our kids can win and sharing together... Yeah yeah!!

Anonymous said...

Wah ... ok ok I will vote for Dillion.

LittleLamb said...

Ok. I will vote.
Hope he win.

sting said...

congrats... voted :-) good luck!

Blessed mum said...

Voted! All the best!

Anonymous said...

voted! good luck Dillion!