Monday, July 9, 2007

Day 7 updates

It's been almost a week since I delivered Kaith and I'm glad that everything went on smoothly to date.

Nurses has came to check on Kaith & myself on Day 3 & today, they said Kaith has no jaundice at all & she is healthy, and of course they encourage me to keep breastfeeding Kaith, which I'm already doing anyway. They will come again on Day 10 to measure her weight. Kaith is currently on breast milk & formula milk alternately (poor mummy has not establish her milk supply yet :<), taking 3oz each feed on 3-4 hours interval.

Confinement has been pleasant so far, I've been taking herbal hot bath everyday, and I've also gone for Malay post natal massage on Day 4, which actually has made me feel more energetic & healthier, I shall be going for another round sometime this week. As for the confinement food, I'll have another write up about it next.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You make confinement sound like so smooth and easy. I had a really tough time for both my kiddoes. Haha.

karenyiau said...

Actually my last confinement was better when I had my aunt to be my day time confinement nanny; while my MIL helps to take care of baby during night time.

This time I'm more on my own but I think it's not too bad, at least I can still blog, haha LOL.

凯妈 said...

wah...i think u need more rest la..but also wish to see you update your blog. ur bb so cute!!

Annie Q said...

Ya, i'm agree with mumsgather. U look like njoy ur confinement very much and can bath everyday!

etceteramommy said...

Glad to hear you're doing well. :D

Chinneeq said...

good to have the nurse coming to your place :) enjoy de'moments with your lil one ..

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Aiyoh, so sorry for my lateness. Such a wonderful feeling to have a tiny, tiny baby in the house.
By the way, just wondering, isn't it more difficult to establish milk supply if you are supplementing with formula?

Leena said...

wait wait wait. you bathin everyday since day 1 or...? no orang tua pantang? and you have nurses comin to your house? syoknya.
dillon looks so gentle towards her baby sis. how cute together. good to hear that everythin is goin smoothly.

Anonymous said...

Hi K--that sounds so good. Keep getting your strength back and your little ones.

KK and WS said...

drink more fluid to generate more breastmilk....nurse more to speed up the stimulation...

Mommibee says HI from Sydney said...

congratulations on the new arrival! Kaith looks really good! sori to be the last to congratulate u .. havent been blog visiting as very busy and tied up with house landscaping. take good care of urself and the lil one :)

Anonymous said...

3 oz? That's good. Mine is only taking 2 oz. It is true if you continue nursing your milk flow will increase. All the best.

karenyiau said...

Hi Lian, I will nirse Kaith whenever she needs, but sometimes after that she still show signs of hunger so I will top up with formula milk. Anyhow, I'm confident that I can manage to do better as I already did the same for Dillon. :)

And yes I've been bathing everyday from Day 2 onwards (after discharged from hospital), my last CL practises this & it seems fine.

Everyday Healy said...

Looks like you have a pleasant confinement! :)

Anonymous said...

u are so great! confinement by ur own.Do take care and enjoy it don't stress urself ok.